Super-sized Effort Keeps Downtown NOLA Clean

Originally Posted February 6, 2013

MG_1141-1360186646With the world’s best Super Bowl experience now behind us, the DDD is in full Mardi Gras mode!

During the week leading up to the Super Bowl on February 3, the DDD Clean Team worked 24/7 to ensure that Downtown was sparkling clean before the weekend, and then maintained those standards through the big game on Sunday. More than 1500 additional man hours were expended from Wednesday, January 30 through Sunday, February 3.

All the hard work did not go unnoticed. Many compliments came from people who were associated with the effort:

“Please accept my “thank you” now via email. Your group did an outstanding job on Sunday keeping the areas around [the Superdome] almost spotless. We had some large crowds out there at times that were either attending the game or just being observers and your crew never stopped. Each time I thought of reaching out to you, here came a crew and cleaned it all up. Between the SMG personnel in the queues and your group outside this may have been the cleanest Super Bowl on the exterior that I have been associated with and I couldn’t let it go with out recognizing you and the group.” – Juan Rodriguez, Assistant General Manager, Reliant Park.

Now, the Mardi Gras countdown begins, as crowds converge on Downtown to watch myriad parades from Muses on Thursday to the truck parades on the afternoon of Fat Tuesday.
Once again, the DDD is prepared. The Clean Team will provide post-parade clean up support through Mardi Gras Day, with crews cleaning each morning and again before the parades start, and then use as many as 40 additional workers to follow behind the parades in the CBD to clean sidewalks and streets adjacent to the parade route.

“We have a high standard for cleanliness Downtown,” said DDD President/CEO Kurt Weigle, “so we will field even more Clean Team members this week than we did for the Super Bowl. We want locals and visitors alike to know that Downtown NOLA takes pride in its appearance every day of the year!! “

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