The Downtown Development District receives many funding requests each year and wishes to support those that most closely reflect our goals and objectives. The following are the policies that must be followed in requesting funds/sponsorship from the DDD:
- A written proposal, not to exceed two pages, must be submitted a minimum of 60 days prior to the date funds are needed. The proposal must state the goals and objectives for the project for which funding is requested, the dollar amount, any in-kind services requested, and a list of benefits to the DDD in return for support.
- The event/program/project must be located Downtown or have a significant economic impact on Downtown.
- Events/programs/projects related to the DDD’s Industries of the Mind initiative will be given priority. This includes digital media, biosciences, and arts-based businesses.
- A sponsorship agreement must be signed by the submitting party and a DDD representative before the issuance of funds.